Climate Change Displacement and Public Health

Extreme weather events, including wildfires, floods, heatwaves, droughts, atmospheric rivers, hurricanes and other storms, displace millions of people around the world every year. These events displace hundreds of thousands of people in Canada, cost tens of billions of dollars, and exacerbate a wide range of health inequities, disrupt homes, livelihoods, education, community cohesion, and have direct and indirect impacts on health and well-being.  Yet, little empirical work has explored the specific effects of climate displacement on health in Canada. Led by Dr Castleden, this project explored the public health effects of recent displacements in British Columbia, particularly within equity-deserving populations (see Report). We are now developing a nationwide project; contact the HEC Lab if you are interested in learning more and getting involved. Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

CCDH Final Gathering Report

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